Help Us Envision a Transformed Future


As we embark on a new chapter in our journey, CJRF is thrilled to invite you to help us shape the future of climate justice. Meaningful change comes from the collective efforts of a diverse and engaged community, and we're excited to ask for your input as we continue to develop the next phase of CJRF.  

Our Strategy Development Process 

In February 2023, the CJRF Board convened for an inspiring retreat in Bangladesh. This retreat marked a significant milestone as it brought our board members together to reflect on our existing core values and priorities. During this time, our board engaged in deep discussions that laid the foundation for the next phase of CJRF's journey.  

Since then, they have taken several major steps toward establishing a new 2023-2028 Fund strategy: 

  • A Strategy Working Group, comprised of three board members, was established to design and lead the strategic planning process. 

  • Alicia Wallace was hired in May 2023 as Board Transition Manager, to “hold the pen” on strategy development and support the board in its work. 

  • The board set a budget cap of $250,000 for the strategy process, recognizing that an equitable and participatory approach will have costs – workshops, participant travel, interpretation, accessibility, and more.  

  • Board members engaged in an immersive exercise to transport themselves to the year 2030 to witness a world transformed by climate justice efforts. This exercise is helping us gain insights into the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead, and we are beginning to crystallize a shared vision for the future of the Fund. 

Board members have emphasized throughout the process that our strategy should be people-centered and reflect the diverse perspectives and experiences of the climate justice movement. To that end, we are now asking you to engage in our strategy development by sharing your insights through the Strategy Survey below. 

Your Role in Shaping the Future of Climate Justice Funding 

We're excited to open our Strategy survey, which is just one of several upcoming opportunities for partners, advocates, NGOs, funders, and movement-builders to contribute to CJRF's new strategy. We are eager to hear your experiences, insights, and perspectives on the climate justice movement. Your responses will pave the way for an effective, inclusive strategy that leads to high-impact funding and support.  

We are driven by a passion to amplify the impact of climate justice work, not only through CJRF's financial support of its partners but also by nurturing an ecosystem of collaboration and innovation. By leaning into the expertise of our community, we can drive lasting change and build a more just and resilient world. We will use the survey results to help shape the next few months of dynamic engagement – including virtual and in-person sessions – that will inform the new strategy.  

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund has set off on a transformative path, and we invite you to help guide us. The survey should only take 20 minutes of your time and closes on September 11. We look forward to engaging with you as we advance towards a climate-just world.