Addressing Non-Economic Loss and Damage (NELD) in The Pacific

Through our previous grant to UUSC, we supported 7 civil society organizations across the Pacific to collaboratively assess and address the climate-induced loss and damage faced by their communities. Under CJRF’s Communities First Pilot Fund, UUSC and CJRF will deploy a 3-year, $975,000 USD grant to support these partners specifically to address non-economic loss and damage. Funds also enable these partners to engage in south-south learning and advocacy with CJRF’s NELD partners in other regions.

 This grant will help create:

  • A regional, collaborative regranting initiative that will support activities to address non-economic loss and damage across the Pacific.

  • A clearer and more nuanced understanding of the types of non-economic loss and damage experienced in the Pacific, and the ways of addressing this loss and damage as identified by communities themselves.

  • A systemic, non-burdensome monitoring, evaluation, and learning approach that will identify impacts of the grant in the Pacific, as well as lessons for the operationalization of loss and damage funding more broadly.




2022: $255,000

2023: $975,000


UUSC has strong partnerships with grassroots organizations and centers their voices in national and global spaces. By empowering grassroots organizations to identify their needs and how they can best address injustices, UUSC supports self-determination and challenges entrenched power structures. Their innovative and practical approach to learning will also contribute to developing global good practices for addressing loss and damage.

Photo Credit: Ariela Zibiah